General Remarks
Travel grants for conference participants are usually offered both by the local organiser and by CIMCIM. The following guidelines specifically regulate the award of CIMCIM funds.
Travel Grants 2024
Conference grants will be made available either to support travel, or to cover registration fee and other costs related to attending the conference.
Please, get in touch with the travel grant committee chair at as soon as possible after submitting your abstract if you are planning to apply for a conference grant.
Deadline of Application: Tuesday, 2 April 2024, 5:00 GMT+00
Application form
The award of travel grants is prioritized as follows:
A fixed maximum amount is allocated each year by the CIMCIM Board to Travel Grants, on the basis of financial availability and the cost of the conference and of the country in which it is held. It is then augmented by the amount specifically transferred from ICOM for this purpose.
The number of grant recipients and the funding level should be decided by the CIMCIM Board (suggested: 20-80% of the total costs). Travel grants usually cover part of the costs related to attending the conference, and particularly those related to transport to and from the venue of the conference, conference fee, and accommodation.
Applicants who have received a CIMCIM grant will normally not be considered for a new grant for 3 years.
Eligibility for a CIMCIM travel grant
Applications must include:
Please, note: Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation from CIMCIM can request one from the CIMCIM Secretary. CIMCIM will not contact embassies and other authorities on behalf of visa applicants.
Conditions for payment of a grant:
The grantee shall share her or his professional impressions with others. This is done by writing an article on a theme relevant to the conference attended. The article should be between 800 and 1700 words). We do not wish a mere listing of people and places, or a simple letter of thanks. Please feel free to be creative, and some suggestions for ideas include:
The article shall be sent to the Secretary at the latest two months after the end of the conference. All incoming articles will be revised by the CIMCIM Board and, if accepted, published in the CIMCIM Bulletin. The financial support will be sent out after the article has been approved by the Board. In exceptional circumstances, an alternate schedule can be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.
Processing payment
The CIMCIM Treasurer will handle the bank transfer and will need the following information:
Please, note that all claims must be submitted within two months after acceptance of the article is confirmed by the CIMCIM Secretary. Claims submitted after this deadline might not be payable.