Call for contributions

With the awareness that the world we live in is in constant change, and in the spirit of blurring the boundaries that determine often misperceived or rigid identities between nations and regions, the Scientific Committee invites those interested to discuss issues related to:

The committee will accept a variety of proposed contributions, including but not limited to:

Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short CV of no more than 150 words including the following information:

The call is inclusive of all geographies, organological areas, and museological issues, and topics relevant to LAC and African countries are especially welcome. The committee encourages a variety of consideration of underrepresented areas, as well as novel approaches, rethinking, and expanded knowledge of commonly covered topics.

Abstracts must be sent to Jimena Palacios( by midnight (23:59 Central Time UTC -6 ) 25th February 2024; late entries will not be considered. Accepted formats are Microsoft Word (.docx) and PDF. Submissions may be edited by the Scientific Committee for the program booklet.

Submissions and presentations for the meeting may be in any of the three official ICOM languages, English, Spanish, and French, with the possibility of simultaneous translation. It is desirable that you join us in-person at the meeting, but virtual contributions will also be accepted.

CIMCIM is planning joint programming with ICOM–ICME (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography), and further information about this collaboration will be available soon.

Conference Publication
Proceedings of the conference will be published by CIMCIM, following the conference, in digital format. Further information is forthcoming.